Sunday, January 18, 2009


Eamon! I wish I were visiting you THIS weekend so I could be here.

Serena, Itzhak Perlman is playing, so don't forget to tape, okay?! Thanks. I <3 you and I will buy you a great present.
(Don't judge me. As excited as I am for Obama to be sworn in, I really, really <3 Itzhak Perlman.)

1) The French are really into PDA. (not blackberries)
2) Fashion in NY follows that in Paris. (LA is a story of its own)
3) French guys are much more secure. They carry Longchamp bags, kiss each other on the cheeks when they greet each other, dance among themselves at clubs and know how to have fun without standing around looking to see which girls seem most vulnerable/most likely to put out. 4) European grave stones are beautiful, but cold. I would like my grave to be Korean. They're little grassy hills. I would be happy to know that my death could bring life in the form of flowers, etc...stone would make me feel very resigned. (b/c I will have feelings in my death, of course)
*I'll post pictures from la cimetière de montmatre later...degas, zola, heine are buried there.

So Tiffany has introduced me to this show called The City, and it's about these girls and guys who live in NYC and I'm not really sure why they have their own show...maybe b/c they're all attractive? I don't know, but one of the guys just asked one of the girls to be his girlfriend and it took place in her apartment and I'm really confused b/c does that mean the cameraman is just following them around and he asked her to be his girlfriend with the cameraman standing like 2 feet away from them? And I don't understand why people want to watch the lives of other people that they don't, if I had my own show would anybody want to watch me? Probably not. But then again, I'm not like 5'10" and really hot. But if I were, would people want to give up an hour of their lives to watch an hour of my life? I'm really confused by reality TV...

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