Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve!

So I stepped away from the computer for a moment and when I returned, I found this on my g-chat:

-----: have you seen venus outsdie??
5:55 PM ahh wehre are you
i cant remember htat word
with econimcs
the one i like
5:57 PM booo
i just googled
economic words
where are youuuu

This cracks me up. The word was "moral hazard."

Ok kids, time to go out and follow D's commandments:

1. GROW A PAIR {always mandatory}
(But not too much fun; don’t get sloppy!)

* Mandatory with guys of IQs greater than 100 (unless otherwise noted).

D, I miss you. You make me laugh. The cold winter does not.

Happy New Year's Eve!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pick Up Line Lessons.

So little Josh is all grown up now...or not. Too bad he can't deliver a pick up line without giggling hysterically afterward.
(In all fairness, this was not his best work...but I couldn't upload the other vids.)

Some more:
1) Check out the clothes tag of someone you're checking out and say, "Just as I thought...Made in Heaven." HA. SO LAME.
2) "If you were DNA, I would want to be DNA helicase so I could unzip your jeans."
3) "If you were a booger, I'd pick you first."

Obviously, I will be using these on New Year's Eve.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

Went to FAO Schwarz and Dylan's today.

I forget how small 5 year olds are. One mini krackel and a sour watermelon gummy is all it takes for the most jaded 5 year old to giggle, wiggle and be out of control.
(But look! Didn't Katie and I do such a good job of stuffing that lollipop case?!)

Ellie: Katie wants a pillow in the shape of a "K."
Me: I don't see any "K"s or "E"s. I guess we're too popular.
Namz: Katie always gets shafted. She had wanted these boots, and it took forever for us to find them in her size, and we finally found them, and they turned out to be two left shoes, so we had to return them. She's so jaded.
(So sad!)

Also, children have no respect for sequential thought.

Ellie (age 8): Are you taking the train with us?
Me: For a little bit.
Ellie: So many people smell good!

In the middle of talking about baseball...
Ellie: Esther, I wish you were mine.
(Forget boys. Looks like I'm taken.)

Walking by the GM building located on 5th and 59th
Ellie: Is that part of the Apple store?
Me: No, that's General Motors.
Ellie: What's that?
And now Ellie knows about GMAC and federal loans!

At FAO, Ellie wanted a Missmatched Notebook for $12 and I told her it wasn't worth that much. But I bought it for her and told her she could only write gramatically correct sentences in it. She promised. We'll see how it goes. She's also not allowed to spell things incorrectly.

Soy exhausted! Kids are exhausting...Namz, you are super-aunt.

Katie's lyrics to Christmas songs:
Jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride in one door open sleigh.

We wish you a merry xmas, we wish you a merry xmas, we wish you a merry xmas, happy new year.
The tidings to bring to you and to me.
We wish you a merry xmas and happy new year.
Peace out!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

If You Ever Come to NY

Forget Saks, the Met, Lincoln Center and Central Park...

Go to DiFara's and get a plain pizza pie. No toppings are necessary to trick yourself into thinking you're eating good pizza.

I don't get to go that often b/c it's kind of far, but Dom is SO old that I'm always afraid that he won't be around the next time I come home. But seriously, it makes me sad that James didn't get to go when he visited, b/c the next time he comes to visit NY, Dom might not be around. Ugh. I HATE it when people I like die.

I mean, do we want to have kids in a world where Dom DeMarco and polar bears no longer exist?? WHO KNOWS?!

My Evening with the Painfully Ordinary

So we spent an evening with my friend, her new boyfriend, and some of his friends...really we were invited to judge him and his friends and let her know what we thought...

Played Taboo, 5 almost 30 year old guys vs. 5 girls. Of course we won 3 rounds in a row.

Me: Sub-prime
Chanda: Mortgage

Me: Mexico, crisis, 90s.
Chanda: TEQUILA!

Guy 3: These girls are psychic or something.
(no. we're just smarter.)

Guy 1: Cats play with a ball of...
Guy 2: yarn!
Me: No...
Guy 1: Wait, we got that one.
Me: No, you didn't. "Yarn" is not "yawn."
Guy 1: Wait, it's not spelled the same way?
Me: ...
(Are you f-ing kidding me?)

Will: Where's the buzzer? We want it for dramatic effect.
Wini: Dramatic effect? But that's why we have Esther. She's snarky.
Me: I'm overconfident around boys.
Will: What is your biggest complaint about men.
Me: They're clingy.
Eugene: So, you forgot how to be feminine?
Wini: So you're saying being subservient is feminine?
Me: What year are you living in?

Guy 2: Hey, Harvard...
Me: Actually, I go to Wellesley.
(and I happen to have a name.)

Verdict: Tonight was EPIC FAIL. Not baby fail, or mini-saga fail, but EPIC fail.

I have new-found appreciation for Harvard and MIT guys. They can be a--holes sometimes, but OMG at least they are not FRUSTRATINGLY stupid. And I get very frustrated with myself for not being as intelligent as I would like to be, but these guys made me feel like Alan Greenspan. And YES Eamon, I still love Alan Greenspan and think he's a genius and would like to adopt him as my grandfather.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Superficial Observations.

Went to see Benjamin Button today.

For the first third of the movie, you're sitting in your seat waiting for him to become attractive. And when it finally happens, you are not disappointed.

It pisses me off how attractive he is. Everyone else is getting older and uglier. WHY is he still good looking? It's unnatural. I hate it...I love it...STOP being so good looking!

But you know what? In the back of my mind, I will always think, "Well, he cheated on Jennifer Aniston, and that is NOT hot." So, players, what makes you think you can cheat and still be attractive when you're not nearly as attractive as Brad Pitt to begin with?

The audacity of hope...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Deadweight Loss of Gift Giving

Stuy guys,
Remember that year we all went shopping together, and we all picked out stuff that we wanted, handed what we bought for ourselves to another person to wrap and gave them out on Christmas?! And we all got something we wanted, and we all spent as much as we wanted to, and it was the best thing EVER.

Read the second article in this list.
Joel Waldfogel's "The Deadweight Loss of Christmas."

Also, I am so not unique:
Woe is me.

Jesus and the World.

So I'm not one to take religion all too seriously.
But there is one thing that bothers me.
When people say, "Okay, Jesus is your savior. I thought he said he would come back. Where the hell is he? It's only been like thousands of years..."
And it's like,
You know what. Last time he showed up, people nailed him to pieces of wood. Seriously, I'm surprised he even promised to come back. If I got nailed to two pieces of (probably splintery, not smooth) wood I'd be like, "PEACE OUT. I am so NOT coming back to this place. You people suck."

But that's just me.

Waiting for my sister to get back from work to open presents...the only present I've opened so far is the one I got from my secret santa at Stuy reunion dinner. The Elusive Quest for Growth. Thanks Christian!

I like this: "I was optimistic in 1969 about the prospects of Ghana, but my projections did not receive a great deal of public notice, perhaps because I had just finished elementary school."

One of my econ profs told me once that he hated Bill Easterly, but he doesn't seem so bad. He seems more sad than angry...and that's understandable.
The world is a sad place, where even a savior's promise can go unfulfilled for thousands of years...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Life Plans

Plan A: I write to the Obama-Biden administration and say, "Hey. I don't know if you are aware of this, but I'm kinda BFF with Chuck Blahous (like, spent a whole hour in the West Wing just chillin) and I've given a "Fight Global Warming" pin to Peter Orszag. know, I'm a pretty solid bridge between the new and old administrations..." They tell me that I'm the epitome of awesome-ness, they hire me, I get sweet perks to compensate for my low salary, I get myself a cute apartment, I buy my parents a new kitchen, I buy my beta fish, Michael E. Phelps, a new tank with real plants in it, and we live happily ever after.

Plan B: I write to Hillary Clinton and say, "Yo Hils. We're both Wellesley alums. I'm class of '09, you were class of '69. And we both have October 26th birthdays....C'mon. I'll throw us a party. You bring your people, I'll bring my people. It'll be great." She writes back and says she needs someone like her, like me, to work at the White House. We become BFFs. She puts me through grad school. She takes me on trips to help save the world and I live happily ever after.

Plan C: I take the GRE and the LSAT for fun next fall, and try to go to whatever grad school will take me. I go to grad school, study for a few more years and come back to my blog to draft new life plans...

Plan D: (my mom's idea) Get married to someone I will love in sickness and in wealth.

Mother's always dreamed big.

I Likes

1) The apartment I will be staying at in Paris.

2) Quoth the Trader, "Nevermore." by Barry Ritholtz. What a dweeb.

3) Boys who cook for me. Penne a la Vodka and Cranberry Vanilla coffee cake from scratch?! Life has been delicious.

4) Fat babies

5) This blog post.

6) Beautiful Things (To Hell With the World) by David Ford.

Tight faces scream from their bright magazines.
With their fingernails clammed to the page.
With a look of the born to be painfully ordinary…gods of a desperate age.

There’s no stories to tell but there’s a spokesperson yelling at a volume to drown out your voice.

Saying justice be done, there’s a change gonna come, but in secret you won’t get a choice.

So to hell with the world I still love you my girl you’ve been crazy to stay by my side.
So we’ll stand and we’ll sing and there are these beautiful things, if you know the places they hide…

And the band’s playing tunes that mean nothing to you, but you can dance better with the devil you know.
And all along I will sorta keep my head above the water, but I might just prefer it below.
Yes, and maybe the greatest of heroes inhabit the stories that nobody hears.
Yes, and maybe the songs that coulda brought you to life weren’t allowed to come close to your ears…

So to hell with the world I still love you my girl you’ve been crazy to stay by my side.
So we’ll stand and we’ll sing and there are beautiful things, if you know the places they hide…

And they’ll hide far away from you darling, they will, far away from the changing regimes.
There’s a light, there’s a right, tonight isn’t as dark as it seems.

So when victory comes at too heavy a price, well there’s honor in choosing defeat.
Like the boy who was given the keys to the world, and decided to sleep in the street…

So to hell with the world I still love you my girl you’ve been crazy to stay by my side.
So we’ll stand and we’ll sing and there are these beautiful things, if you know the places they hide…

7) You! (Unless you're someone I don't like)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chanda and the Papercut.

Chanda: AHH. Look, so gross! (shows us bleeding finger)
Wini: Ugh, just suck on it.
Me: That's what he said.

Steph, that one's for you.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sex and the City = Free Bags?? Sweet Deal.

Giving away my wifes handbags free Chanel Louis Vuitton Hermes (Greenwich Village)

Reply to:
Date: 2008-12-15, 11:42AM EST

I caught her with someone else and she does not know it yet. All of her coveted bags are free including the new Coco Cabas Chanel bag I got her last week that I bought at Chanel on Prince St in Soho. About 40-50 bags. Limit 2 per person to spread the holiday cheer. She is a bitch and now she get payback. I bought all bags at aither Chanel NYC, LV on Greene St and HErmes on Exchange Place here in the city. Not a joke, very serious. Today only as she gets home at 5pm!!! The look on her face will be priceless :)

Haha. Ha. Not gonna lie, I kind of love this dude. So much Christmas spirit.

Knapp and Nap.

Studied for Econ final with Chands in Knapp until 7:30. Came back to my room. Studied until 10. MADE myself go to sleep so I could wake up at 8 because I've been sleeping at 4 for the past 2 weeks, and that's not cool when you have to wake up at of COURSE I wake up at like midnight thinking it's morning, and now I can't go back to sleep and will probably be up until 6 because I napped. I hate myself so hard right now...

But I did just watch Britney Spears' documentary and almost cried.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Obviously, I'm studying for econ/procrastinating...

Highlights of my day:
1) "Veggie Planet" with Namz and Jenn
2) Tiffany: "Esther, you're the only nerd that I like."
3) Sue: "Tiffany yelled at me for singing out loud...Esther, how do you scratch and itch? Do you bend your fingers or move your hand back and forth?" Sue, you're ridiculous.
4) Winning an argument.
your argument loses
you stand on a tower of JELLO
5:26 PM Eamon: only due to your stubbornness
me: and i'm eating it away
i win b/c my arguments make more sense than yours
Eamon: your tower is jello too, i just realize my tower is jello
me: i eat jello
your tower falls
i win. you lose.

I just want to win things. Like the New Yorker Cartoon Caption I could have proof that I'm funny sometimes, and put on my resume: "Good sense of humor. Seriously, I have proof. Trust me, you want to work with me."

I need to start looking for a job. Is it bad that I'd rather have no job than have a job I don't like?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Balls and Beer.

Fact: I am unable to buy beer at Celtics games with my driver's license, expired passport, Wellesley ID, Health Insurance card, two debit cards and a credit card...

I just wanted a beer...

Celtics won 94-82!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Way to Procrastinate.

I am currently in Pendleton atrium, and instead of studying for finals, I have decided to start a blog for when I am in Paris. (January 3 - 29th)
Also, I just got back from midnight breakfast (which starts at 10 PM. WTF?) and I'm so happy because they gave out Crayola crayons which are so much better than my shitty Rose Art ones. Now I have Jazzberry Jam. Sweet!

Okay, time to go balls to the wall and get this history paper done because tomorrow night is Celtics vs. Hornets.
It's going to be LEGENDARY!

Conversation of the evening:
Chanda - Daniel Henney always makes it into the Hot People Thread.
Esther - I don't think he's that good looking...
Tina - Yeah, he's not. Halfies are weird. They're like optical illusions. Like, are they Asian, or are they white??
Xing Yin - Can you not say that in real public...