Thursday, January 29, 2009

Death of My Blog.

I got home safely.

This will be the last post of my blog. I hope you enjoyed the pictures and stories. I'm not nearly as good a story teller as some people I know, but I tried.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Take Me HOME Tonight.

I'm packing and listening to oldies.

There are lots of strikes here in France.

There's going to be a protest in our square tomorrow, so we have to leave reallyyyy early. PLEASE LET ME NOT MISS MY FLIGHT.

Miss you kids! SO READY FOR HOME.

Must finish all the leftover Heinekens in the fridge.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Esther Tiffany Paris.

We're watching Vicky Christina Barcelona. It's better than the name suggests.

Angelina. [Jolie and Café]

In a magazine, there was a picture of Kate Winslet accepting her Golden Globe...and next to it, there was a picture of Brad Pitt kissing Angelina. The caption read something like, "Brad thinks Angelina is still a winner" or something sappy like that. I thought, gosh Angelina, MUST you win everything. It's like, "Okay Kate. You might have won a Golden Globe, but look what I get to kiss ALL the time."

We went to Café Angelina today. It was so cute. Its chocolat chaud is voted the best almost every year.

I wish my sleeve said Angelina.

Chocolat Chaud.

Yummy delicious.

Place Vendôme. These were once the mansions of the wealthiest jewlers of France.

Apparently, a judge in France ruled that Nicolas Sarkozy voodoo dolls may be sold as long as they include a label that says that the doll is offensive to Nicolas Sarkozy. [catching up on Wait Wait episodes]

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend with Hugh Grant.

Jason Karsh [you just got a google alert, didn't you?] How do you like the title of this blog post?

We were at the British Museum yesterday having breakfast/lunch with JK, and Tiff is convinced that some tourists took pictures of us thinking that Jason was Hugh Grant and we were his two prostitutes. We weren't sitting in front of anything particularly interesting and apparently they kept staring and took turns taking pictures of us...So if you see us in a tabloid, you'll know that Hugh Grant isn't a player. And that we are not prostitutes.

Couldn't find a Daniel Henney to bring back to Boston. Sorry girls!

Adventures in London: [High Holborn LSE flat. Greatest]

I killed a giant over the weekend. I told you, I'm a lot stronger than I look.

JK, you too can be a TOPMAN.

Tea at Claridge's. Scones are the best.

Tea at Harrods. Tea is also the best.

Hummingbird Bakery. Tiff bought one...I bought three.


Recessions are older than Jesus.

I go back and forth on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Media, stop making me feel like I need to pick a side!

You know how those mushroom bullets are illegal by international law? We need to have a new law that says only words are allowed. It's what I told the 2 year old I used to babysit. "Sophia, use your words." She had very few, but she still managed. If a 2 year old with a limited vocabulary can do it, we can too!

I want to be like quicksand.

Memorable Quotes:
Tiff: Do you want a Chinese soldier? They're on sale.

Me: I don't plan on having kids. I don't have child bearing hips.
JK: Me neither, but I still plan on having kids.

Tiff: I don't think I live extravagantly. [as we were leaving high tea at Claridge's]

Tiff: The ATM machine ate Esther's debit card.
Tiff's mom: What? You didn't have enough money to eat lunch?
[ ATM card got eaten. OF COURSE that would happen to me]

Also, there's no hot water in the apartment and the owner just dropped by to say we could shower at his place. b/c that's not awkward at all. I guess it was nice of him to offer.

Off to shower! Haha. Kidding.

Friday, January 23, 2009


My first purchase in England was an issue of The Economist.
My second, third, fourth and fifth purchases were items from Topshop.

Serena, I bought your present and it is SOOOO cute.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Epic Fail Encore.

I just went to Phonebook on Facebook to look up Karsh's number, and instead of typing his name in the searchbox, i typed it into the box that says Mobile, so for a while, my number came up as Jason Karsh. I am epic fail-ing all over the place today...something really amazing better happen to me soon. Boo.

Update: makes me feel better.

Visit to J.K./ OMG EPIC FAIL.

To all the kids who think that we just sit around sipping tea and playing tennis: SUCK IT.

Although I do enjoy doing both of those things...

Going to visit J.K. (Jason Karsh, not J.K. Rowling) at LSE this weekend and I'm excited to have high tea. Don't judge me. I've never been to England before!

CHANDA. You didn't send me a list of things that you wanted, so I'm just going to pick out whatever I would want for myself since we're the same person, mk?!

Serena, please check your e-mail and respond. I sent letters packed with older sister wisdom.
Remember, if you accept drinks from boys you don't know, you could DIE. If you go to frat parties and drink really cheap beer, your liver will DIE. Anyway, just read my e-mails. They're more detailed.

Time to pack for London.
Back on Monday. Then back in NY on Thursday.

OMGAHHH. AWKWARD. EPIC FAIL. This is the dude I got into a 2 hour argument with outside my office over the summer and we kept thinking that we could convince the other that we were right. But obviously, I was right...b/c hello, I'm an Econ major at Wellesley and I was so well prepared. Duh.

me: hi myles. what does your status mean?
also, i had a missed call from you earlier, but i didn't get a chance to call you back before i left the country
but i hope you are having a good 2009
and had a happy inaugurbama

Myles: hi esther, Myles isn't here. I am his wife, Malene- I can tell you what it means though


Celebrating Obama.

Our first drinks under the Obama administration. We had Monacos: Grenadine, beer and 7-up. They were pretty.

Also, I'm catching up on podcasts now, and I said, "Hey, Keynes was gay." and Tiff said, "McCain was gay?!"
Haha. Can you imagine?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Love and Garbage.

There was a special exhibit of Picasso's many interpretations of Manet's "Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe" and they were SOOO funny, but we weren't allowed to take pictures. But check it out here.

Paul-César Helleu (1859-1927): Portrait de Madame Ryan. [She looks sneaky.]

Joszéf Rippl-Rónai (1861-1927): Un Parc La Nuit

Edgar Degas (1834-1917): Etude d'un Noeud de Ruban

Boîte de pastels ayant appartenu à Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas encore...

A friend of mine re-wrote my haiku in Italian on Twitter, and I think it sounds just as good.

Barack Obama
Spero che si e pronti
Tutti ti guarda

I miss my friends.

There's a woman from Brooklyn in my class who has been here for about 4 months. Her husband is American, but he grew up in Paris.
I feel so bad for her. Her husband speaks English fluently, and she's really awful at French. Why would he make her move?

If you love me, you will not make me move indefinitely to a place where I have no friends/don't speak the language/can not easily find Korean food.

If you love me, you will also never make me take out the trash. (including that in the form of people)

Actually, here's a list of things you will/will not do if you love me. E-money, after you told me about your whole deal, I decided that you should take my list for yourself so as to stop getting BURNED. (The last 5 might not really apply to you, but maybe?)

1) You will not say "I love you" unless you really mean it. (it loses its value if you say it too many times)
2) Flakiness is a good quality in a pastry, not a person. If you're not sure how you feel about me, keep your mouth shut. I'd rather hear nothing than hear, "Hey, I like you a lot! Actually...just kidding! Take backsies!"
3) You will be funny. (Being nice doesn't cut it. A dog is nice. A doorman is nice.)
4) You will listen to podcasts with me, and you will love them.
5) You will not take showers that last longer than mine.
6) You will love Korean food.
7) You will love my econ jokes.
8) You will not make me drive unless absolutely necessary. I'm not too bad I guess, I've only ever hit inanimate objects...(and yes, they were already inanimate before I hit them)
9) You will never ever ever ever ever want or buy a mercedes benz.
10) You will never ever ever ever ever drink and drive. (This is unforgiveable.)

Psh. And people think my standards are too high...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 has been Baracked.


A better blog than my own.

I am the Walrus.

Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery is a walrus! Hahaha. Am I going to be punished for saying that? Tiff and I are sitting here CRACKING up as we watch on

Also, doesn't let you watch unless you're in the U.S. and Territories. Seriously, HBO? How do you hope for world peace when you don't even let other countries watch your live streams? JEEZ.

As the walrus is saying:
"...make choices on the side of love, not hate. INCLUSION, not exclusion."


Also, after missing most of Obama's address, Tiff sat down next to me and exclaimed,
"OMG. What is Michelle wearing? Did they say what she was wearing? Which designer did she choose?!"

"You make me sound like such a ditz in your blog!"

Tiff's really not a ditz. She's just a talented, budding personal stylist. I mean, cmon. How many girls do you know who have helped Rachel Weisz and Natalie Portman pick out dresses for awards shows, hmmm? Probably NONE.

I'm her pro-bono case.

Queen for King.

Tonight, Tiff and I will be celebrating here.

We're 6 hours ahead of you guys, and I can let you know that Tuesday is looking good so far.

Barack Obama
On espère que vous êtes prêt.
Le monde vous observe.

I'm a fan of haikus.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I See Dead People...

Notre Dame


Nam nam nam nam nam.

Albert Hofmann would have wanted to "hear" this...

Would you light my candle? [listening to RENT soundtrack]

So Evelyne explained this story to me. It's from the Bible. I'm taking Religion next semester (ugh. reqs.) so maybe I can study a little beforehand...Anyway, here's this story:

Jesus: Hey Mary Magdalene! I'm back!

Everyone: Oh man. Jesus is back!

Thomas: No way. I won't believe you until I can stick my finger in your wounds. [that just seems mean]
Jesus: Okay, doubting Thomas. Go for it.

La Cimetière de Montmartre.

We almost missed Degas b/c it says de GAS. How unfortunate.
I would not like to have a crying statue above my grave. Teichholtz, I don't want you to die before I do, but if you do, I'll make sure we put the "fun" back in "funeral," as you requested. If I die first, I would like you to remember aloud my best jokes. So whenever I make you laugh, write down what I say.

The death of Bush's reign.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Eamon! I wish I were visiting you THIS weekend so I could be here.

Serena, Itzhak Perlman is playing, so don't forget to tape, okay?! Thanks. I <3 you and I will buy you a great present.
(Don't judge me. As excited as I am for Obama to be sworn in, I really, really <3 Itzhak Perlman.)

1) The French are really into PDA. (not blackberries)
2) Fashion in NY follows that in Paris. (LA is a story of its own)
3) French guys are much more secure. They carry Longchamp bags, kiss each other on the cheeks when they greet each other, dance among themselves at clubs and know how to have fun without standing around looking to see which girls seem most vulnerable/most likely to put out. 4) European grave stones are beautiful, but cold. I would like my grave to be Korean. They're little grassy hills. I would be happy to know that my death could bring life in the form of flowers, etc...stone would make me feel very resigned. (b/c I will have feelings in my death, of course)
*I'll post pictures from la cimetière de montmatre later...degas, zola, heine are buried there.

So Tiffany has introduced me to this show called The City, and it's about these girls and guys who live in NYC and I'm not really sure why they have their own show...maybe b/c they're all attractive? I don't know, but one of the guys just asked one of the girls to be his girlfriend and it took place in her apartment and I'm really confused b/c does that mean the cameraman is just following them around and he asked her to be his girlfriend with the cameraman standing like 2 feet away from them? And I don't understand why people want to watch the lives of other people that they don't, if I had my own show would anybody want to watch me? Probably not. But then again, I'm not like 5'10" and really hot. But if I were, would people want to give up an hour of their lives to watch an hour of my life? I'm really confused by reality TV...

Saturday, January 17, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Evelyne and I made you a video. Not posting b/c it's embarrassing. MISH YOU.

Esther and Evelyne.
(Tiff's not home now. She's with her cousin and sister at hotel. but she <3s you too, im sure)

Also, see labels for this post.



I made up haikus during class.

Everybody smokes.
Dog poo poo on the sidewalks.
Asian prostitutes.

Baguettes and croissants.
La confiture and le beurre.
I am getting fat.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Heaven and Hell.

Ceiling of Hôtel des Invalides.

Napoleon's Notes on The Wealth of Nations!

Here Lies Napoleon.


At La Musée Rodin.
La Pensée...and Evs.

Fist pound avec les trois ombres.

La bourgeoisie de Calais.
Such anguish.

La porte d'enfer.

The gates to hell are very detailed.

Who knew a face of stone could be so expressive?

La Vie en Rose.

So much bling.

Do follow the light at the end of the tunnel.

Thursday, January 15, 2009



Barack and Michelle are cute.

Also, we saw someone famous and a ton of reporters today, but we didn't know who it was...
Any guesses...scandalous trials in Paris? We think he was a politican...

Tired. Saw a lot today. Will post pictures tomorrow.

This was on

Announcement over loudspeaker during class: "Hello, I'm sorry for the interruption. Mr Poland Spring, you have to go outside, they're about to tow your truck."

--Stuyvesant High School

Stuy's gotten better.

Also, can we talk about the fact that Chand's brother says I'm in a picture with the rest of my Physics class in one of the glass fireproof time capsule boxes. (Stuy has random glass boxes in the walls throughout the building. one for each graduating class, and some with random stuff in them.)
I've left my mark. SWEET. *insert fist pound here*

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Evelyne is here! We went to La Tour Eiffel, and it was pretty.