Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Knapp and Nap.

Studied for Econ final with Chands in Knapp until 7:30. Came back to my room. Studied until 10. MADE myself go to sleep so I could wake up at 8 because I've been sleeping at 4 for the past 2 weeks, and that's not cool when you have to wake up at 8...so of COURSE I wake up at like midnight thinking it's morning, and now I can't go back to sleep and will probably be up until 6 because I napped. I hate myself so hard right now...

But I did just watch Britney Spears' documentary and almost cried.


  1. It's cool. I almost did, too. And now I have 3 papers in 4 days... what happened to our plans??

    Also, done with How I Met Your Mother... and one word: Britney.


  2. poo. is the documentary online? it's been all the hype and i want to catch it...
