Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Evening with the Painfully Ordinary

So we spent an evening with my friend, her new boyfriend, and some of his friends...really we were invited to judge him and his friends and let her know what we thought...

Played Taboo, 5 almost 30 year old guys vs. 5 girls. Of course we won 3 rounds in a row.

Me: Sub-prime
Chanda: Mortgage

Me: Mexico, crisis, 90s.
Chanda: TEQUILA!

Guy 3: These girls are psychic or something.
(no. we're just smarter.)

Guy 1: Cats play with a ball of...
Guy 2: yarn!
Me: No...
Guy 1: Wait, we got that one.
Me: No, you didn't. "Yarn" is not "yawn."
Guy 1: Wait, it's not spelled the same way?
Me: ...
(Are you f-ing kidding me?)

Will: Where's the buzzer? We want it for dramatic effect.
Wini: Dramatic effect? But that's why we have Esther. She's snarky.
Me: I'm overconfident around boys.
Will: What is your biggest complaint about men.
Me: They're clingy.
Eugene: So, you forgot how to be feminine?
Wini: So you're saying being subservient is feminine?
Me: What year are you living in?

Guy 2: Hey, Harvard...
Me: Actually, I go to Wellesley.
(and I happen to have a name.)

Verdict: Tonight was EPIC FAIL. Not baby fail, or mini-saga fail, but EPIC fail.

I have new-found appreciation for Harvard and MIT guys. They can be a--holes sometimes, but OMG at least they are not FRUSTRATINGLY stupid. And I get very frustrated with myself for not being as intelligent as I would like to be, but these guys made me feel like Alan Greenspan. And YES Eamon, I still love Alan Greenspan and think he's a genius and would like to adopt him as my grandfather.


  1. oh lord. these people are misogynistic buffoons. the stuff of nightmares.

  2. also, retarded. i don't like to throw that word around but there are no other words.

  3. yikes, almost-30s?? i feel like our futures are so bright now...
