Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Centre Pompidou

We have been waiting for Tiff's sister and cousin, and Evelyne to visit to do museums etc. But we were feeling a bit culturally starved, so yesterday we decided to visit Centre Pompidou which is like the MOMA in NY. I love modern art, probably for the wrong reasons.

Look, I have antennae! One of the guards laughed at us while we were taking this.

Am I looking out the window? Nope! I'm looking at a painting!


I miss B&N/Borders, or Trident Cafe on Newbury St. Just somewhere I can sit and read and use free wifi. (I'm paying 2 Euros for 30 minutes here. blah.)
I miss instant food like luna bars and oatmeal that you can just add hot water to.
It's also really hard to be vegetarian in France. I'm really craving a tofu burrito. (They're so good. Don't judge!)

Also, a lot of the Asians here are prostitutes, and I'm pretty sure someone came up to Tiffany and asked her how much she was. As they say in the Mastercard commercial...priceless. Haha.


  1. Tofu burrito?? As in, Bolocco tofu burritos? Yeah, now I'm gonna have to go and get one. Mmmmm.

  2. YES momas are fun! :D
