Thursday, January 8, 2009

Le Déluge

Bad news first:
Our apartment started leaking from the ceiling and I woke up at 5 in the morning thinking I had fallen asleep outside in the rain.

When the guy came over to check things out, he said, "Urgent?"

Stress levels are supposed to be lower here because Europeans tend to use increased productivity to expand leisure rather than income. But when everybody opts for leisure, who the hell is left to work?
Service is so much better in NYC. The "laid back" culture of Europe is stressing me out.

Tiffany expresses things a little more bluntly: "Don't they know that we're spoiled brats?!" [I know one of my New Year's resolutions was to not be a spoiled brat but maybe I have to start that once I return from France?]

We're in a hotel for the night while they fix things up. Merde.

My confidence has also been shot to hell. I'm much more sure of myself when I have the ability to bitch people out. I can do it in English and Korean. Mandarin too, depending on the situation. French, not so much.

But things could be least people aren't throwing chicken at me. [I'm so sorry that happened to you, n! Boys are stupid.]

Happier adventures from yesterday:

At lunch.

escargot. [see paragraph 6]

Tiff at Christian Louboutin on Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré.

I must have forgotten that I'm not Paris Hilton, because I bought a pair of Louboutin Mary Janes for $600. Or maybe I thought that they would take me home if I clicked my heels together. In any case, I'm returning them tomorrow. Tell me that they're ugly.


  1. yeah, i feel like i'm in jhs. but re: relaxed/stress levels, we knew this before, remember? see: european train system.

  2. appropriate title! Those shoes are actually really gorgeous, but for $600, they *should* take you home when you click your heels. My plane ticket cost less than that!

  3. you kinda look like a korean actress in that pic

  4. your blog is what i wished mine looked like. catching up now...
