Thursday, January 1, 2009


Okay ----,
I know I said I would update this morning, but I fell asleep as soon as I got home.

The most awkward New Year's Eve kiss ever.
Before: "Wait, do you have herpes or anything?" [b/c you can never be too sure]
After: "It's 11:50. You're 10 minutes early, damn it."

Will: I think my girlfriend's resolution should be to be less intellectual and more superficial, so she can appreciate my rock hard abs [PUKE. seriously? must you go out with this guy?]
----: Well, if she becomes more superficial, wouldn't you worry about yourself?
Will: Why?
----: Because if she becomes more superficial, she would want to be with a good looking guy.

New Year's Resolutions:
1) Apply to a job...any job, even if it's not my dream job. Stop being a spoiled brat.
2) Be less snide, caustic, sarcastic...[well, maybe I'll still be a little sarcastic. what am i without my sarcasm, right?]
3) Read more books for fun.
4) Enter the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest every week until you win [this spills over from last year's resolutions b/c I only entered like twice last year...and did not win.]
5) Spend more time with the fams.
6) Be less awkward.
7) Think before I speak.

Things to look forward to: Here

Also, Standup Economist!
"People who are not trained in economics might think that giving you a choice between a Snickers bar and an identical Snickers bar is no different from offering you ONE snickers bar."
HA. Loves it.


  1. thanks. LONG OVERDUE, but thanks.
    actually, i just woke up 20 minutes ago.
    5:30pm. (i ate lunch then passed out)

  2. 1. double puke
    2. sarcasm is not a bad thing! hehehe
